One of the tasks that gains importance for the QA Engineer is test automation and frequently the QA Engineer faces the following dilemma Which test automation tool is better for me to use?
Today we’ll provide a small guide that will help you solve this dilemma. We’ll start with the answer to What is automation? According to Google dictionary, Automation is defined as: The use of largely automatic equipment in a system of manufacturing or other production process. In our context this translate to execute QA tests automatically — without any human intervention.
Now we’ll define the different types of automated tests that can be executed, they are:
- UI Test Automation: These tests validate the user interface fulfills the requirements set by the client and also that the information is shown correctly on the application.
- Functional Test Automation: These tests validate the application is working properly, usually they are divided into unit tests and integration tests.
These are our recommendations about which tool to use according to the type of test and programming language: